TOP 3 players!
Ranking Nickname Class Race
1 IllusGODtrated Sorcerer Asmo
2 Zalmo Aethertech Asmo
3 Nefhi Gunner Elyos
TOP players of the server in classes
Nickname Class Race
VladushkaZaichik Spiritmaster Elyos
Hypnotik Templar Elyos
Getnaked Gladiator Asmo
Vinley Assassin Asmo
LolkaZeroDmg Ranger Elyos
DeadMoon Cleric Asmo
Nefhi Gunner Elyos
IllusGODtrated Sorcerer Asmo
The TOP list was made on the results of the tournament "The Greatest Master" on December 9, 2018